Solving memory problems.


Do you have problems remembering things?

Having a good memory is important no matter who you are. When you’re a student, you need to memorise information to do well in exams. When you have a job you have to remember things related with your job. When you’re a parent, you not only need to remember all the things you need to know but you have to remember a lot of things your children have to know.

Living in the Information Age, we are constantly exposed to streams of new information so it sometimes feels hard to keep up. Especially if, like me, you have a terrible memory. People often ask me “do you remember when we did …” and often my answer is “No”. So, one aspect of this blog will be to explore how memory works, strategies for improving memory and strategies to allow you to function well when you don’t have a good memory.

Memory is not only important for functioning well but our memories form the essence of who we are as human beings. They tell us who we are, where we have been, what we have done, who we have loved, who we have lost … Imagine not being able to remember playing with friends, family holidays, your favourite music or meeting your partner. If we lose our memory, as many people do with age, we begin to lose our sense of self. With memory loss also comes loss of freedom and independence. Memory loss is not only distressing for people experiencing it but also for those around them. So, the second aspect of this blog will be to explore causes of age-related memory and thinking problems, research into how to cope with these problems, and how to care for people in your life who are experiencing these problems.

I hope you will join me on my journey of exploring memory and finding solutions to memory problems.